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Investing for Impact

Our 'Investing for Impact' method tests market opportunities.


Social Scaffolding’s ’Investing for Impact’ Methodology

We follow a market-tested methodology to accelerate decision making and prepare a sustainable and impactful business for growth.

Input: Strategy to explore business

Output: business model launch

1. Identify

What and where are the opportunities we can pursue to create new products or business models that can deliver outcomes for your clients?


2. Investigate

For our prioritised opportunity, is there an opening in the market that will allow us to be competitive and create value for our organisation?


How can we
build a sustainable and impactful  business?

4. Invest

How do we raise the necessary funds (internal or external) and what returns can we expect to receive (financial, social, community)?


3. Impact

What resources are required to create and grow a new product or business model that delivers profitable and sustainable outcomes?


Investing for Impact is our methodology to support clients make decisions around investing in new social businesses and products.  Our methodology takes clients through four gated phases which consider the market and category to target, the development of a business model that can be competitive and sustainable, the investment required and likely returns and a plan to raise capital and launch the business.  We have supported a range of clients that have launched technology businesses, consulting services, NDIS consulting, retailing and industry collaboration services.

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Social Scaffolding: We are specialists in Social Enterprise consulting, NDIS consulting, Impact Investing, Human Rights consulting and Equalising Employment.

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